The M&O rate provides funding for school district operations, including instruction, staff, transportation, maintenance, and daily operating expenses. In contrast, the Interest & Sinking (I&S) fund, which represents the other portion of the district’s annual budget, is financed through bonds. It’s important to note that bond funds from the I&S budget cannot be used for operational costs such as teacher raises, rising utilities, increasing insurance costs, or other day-to-day expenses.
The additional $2.2 million generated by the School Funding Election will maintain and enhance the quality of education in Marble Falls ISD. Specifically, these funds will be allocated to recruiting and retaining qualified staff, maintaining current class sizes, and continuing student programs and activities at their current levels. Without voter approval of the School Funding Election, Marble Falls ISD will face significant budget cuts, which could affect personnel and student programs. These cuts would be necessary to achieve a balanced budget.
“Our Marble Falls ISD administration has worked diligently on district-wide efficiencies while maintaining the high expectations of educational experiences for our students,” Marble Falls ISD Superintendent Dr. Jeff Gasaway said. “The District encourages our community to become informed about the School Funding Election and vote.”
If voters approve Proposition A on November 5, the total school district tax rate will be 91.22 cents per $100 property valuation, which would increase the monthly tax bill on a median-value home (valued at $400,000) by $8.90. The district’s current maintenance tax rate is 67.25 cents, and the current debt service rate is 21.53 cents, resulting in a total tax rate of 88.78 cents.